If the suggestions given in this article are followed, one may not end up in dialysis. Many are trying some kind of alternative treatment that is not effective. To check whether the treatment works or not, you need to check the following Factors.
1. Monitor your weight every day
If weight is constantly increasing, it means, urine output is getting low and increases fluid accumulation in the body. Once the fluid gets accumulated in most of the body parts, then it starts getting into the lungs and develops breathing difficulty. So if you check your weight every day and notice that your weight is increasing constantly, then you have to take the right steps to improve your kidney function.
2. Do Blood Tests every two weeks
The Important blood test that one can do by self in any nearby good Medical Lab are:
1. RFT (Renal function or Kidney Function Test)
RFT Provide Creatinine, Urea, Uric acid, and other things, which help in understanding your kidney function.
If Creatinine, Urea, and Uric acid increases, it means your kidney function is declining.
Why Creatinine is important? Creatinine can be expelled only by the kidneys. It is a non-toxic molecule produced by muscles after burning creatine energy molecules to release energy. Urea, Uric acid, and other toxins are toxic to our entire body and accelerate the progression of kidney failure.
2. Haemoglobin
Have an eye on hemoglobin level. There is a hormone called, Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone, naturally produced by the peritubular cells of the kidney, that stimulates red blood cell production in bone marrows. If Hemoglobin is getting reduced, it means, Kidney function is declining.
The doctor will prescribe an Erythropoietin injection to increase your Haemoglobin level weekly once or twice, or once in two weeks depending on your condition.
In my treatment protocol, many of the patient’s Haemoglobin got increased without Erythropoietin injection.
3. Phosphorus
When you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), your kidneys cannot remove phosphorus very well. High phosphorus levels can cause damage to your body. Extra phosphorus causes body changes that pull calcium out of your bones, making them weak. One symptom is itchy skin. There is Treatment available to reduce phosphorus.
4. Check Electrolytes in the blood
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, and Bicarbonate need to be at a normal level.
Sodium (135 – 145 mEq/L):
If sodium level drops, below the normal range then the person may get the following symptoms: Loss of energy, drowsiness, fatigue, no strength to stand and walk in balance, Hiccups, Nausea, Muscle weakness, and muscle cramps.
There are many who go for a completely sodium-free (Salt-free) diet. It’s wrong. Low Sodium (less salt) diet needs to be followed. Hence, Low Sodium (less salt) diet needs to be followed.
Potassium (3.6 to 5.2 mmol/L)
A low potassium level can make muscles feel weak, cramp, twitch, or even become paralyzed, and abnormal heart rhythms may develop. Similarly But too much potassium in your blood can damage your heart and cause a heart attack.
Kidney patients need to have low-potassium fruits and should leach potassium from vegetables by boiling and draining the water.
Chloride (96 to 106 mEq/L)
Low levels of Chloride may lead to Heart failure. Whereas high chloride may cause excessive fatigue, muscle weakness, breathing problems, and increased high blood pressure.
Bicarbonate (22-29 mEq/L)
It is a base, that the body needs to help keep a normal acid-base (pH) balance. This balance prevents your body from becoming too acidic, which can cause many health problems. It is produced by the kidney. If low, you need to take a Sodium bicarbonate supplement. If you take sodium bicarbonate with food, it will neutralize the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach and affects the digestion process. It’s good to take 2 to 3 hrs after food.
3. Urine analysis
In this test, one can find out how much protein getting leaked in the urine. If someone is long-term diabetes or high blood pressure, and if they observe too much foam in the urine, it’s an indication that the kidney is getting affected. Many patients lose weight because of this issue. Protein leak leads to the loss of albumin and other proteins in the urine from the body. These proteins help fluid stay within the blood vessels. Without them, fluid leaks into the nearby tissue causing swelling in the legs and other parts of the body. You need to take albumin supplements or egg whites appropriately to meet the loss of albumin.
If you are looking for reversing Kidney failure, Please contact me through WhatsApp by tapping below
Some of my Patient’s Testimonials
Mr. Rajiv Mathew Creatinine 3 to 1.86 in 12 Days IgM Nephropathy
Mrs. Karpagam’s Dad’s Creatinine got reduced from 7.9 to 2.1
My Name is Jothi Prem, and Nutritionist, and Started Xulon Zoe Lifestyle Health Retreat Center in 2010.
Helping people with chronic diseases to get reversed through Clinically proven Diet and Nutrition is my passion.
If you are looking for reversing Kidney failure, Please contact me through WhatsApp by tapping below