As a natural medicine specialist, I have treated several patients with rheumatoid arthritis able to get into remission of this painful chronic disease in two to four weeks. You no longer need to take medications and suffer lifelong. Through my diet and natural medicine, you can be pain-free and live a healthy normal life. I have given testimonials of some of my patients who got well in a few weeks and a link to contact me if you need help to get rid of this painful condition at the end of this article. First I want you to understand the nature of this disease and share how to put this into remission.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory disorder primarily affecting the joints, although it can also involve other organ systems such as the skin and lungs. This condition is an autoimmune process that occurs due to a combination of genetic factors and environmental triggers.
In the end stage of rheumatoid arthritis, significant tissue inflammation and bone erosion occur, leading to impaired joint function, severe pain, and reduced mobility.
Conventional medicine aims the suppression the symptoms to alleviate pain and prevent or slow down further damage in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
While there is a known genetic component to this condition, the concordance rate between identical twins suggests that non-genetic factors play a significant role, accounting for approximately 70% of cases. [1]
For instance, individuals with specific immune protein genes, such as human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR1 and HLA–DR4, may develop rheumatoid arthritis after exposure to environmental factors like cigarette smoke or certain pathogens. [2]
The body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.
Infections, particularly urinary tract infections, have been studied as potential triggers for rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers have found a bacterium called Proteus mirabilis in the urine of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Although not causing UTI symptoms, this bacterium can trigger an immune response due to its similarity to certain molecules in our joints. Consequently, anti-proteus antibodies may unintentionally damage joint tissues. [3] This is the reason women are more like to get Rheumatoid than men.
How to put Rheumatoid Arthritis into Remission?
You can turn your genes on and off. It is called Epigenetics.
Epigenetics allows the muscle cell to turn “on” genes to make proteins important for its job and turn “off” genes important for a nerve cell’s job. Your epigenetics change throughout your life.
When a gene is turned off, it no longer provides the directions for making proteins. This means that the proteins needed to fulfill a particular job — say, tolerate lactase — aren’t produced.
Through evidence-based diet, nutrition, and lifestyle, one can turn on and off the genes that cause Rheumatoid arthritis.
Based on extensive research, I have developed an evidence-based protocol incorporating an anti-inflammatory diet and natural medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In my residential clinic, I successfully implemented this protocol, leads to remission within three weeks.
Patients following this approach typically experience reduced joint swelling and stiffness within 5 to 10 days, with pain becoming milder. Within three to six weeks, they can resume a normal life by following my anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle protocol.
Ms. Ruth’s Rheumatoid Arthritis remission in 4 days
Mrs. Mala Purushothaman’s Rheumatoid Arthritis remission in 10 days
About Me
Jothi PremSanker, Nutritionist, Founder of Xulon Zoe Lifestyle Health Retreat Center, Whole food Plant-based diet expert, and Health Coach. If you are suffering from rheumatoid-related issues, request for online consultation by sending Whatsapp message by clicking below:
The worst alternative treatment for gallstone is lemon-olive oil protocol with magnesium sulfate. I have tried it for many patients and, have seen successes and failures. It is not giving success to all gallstone patients. Its success rate is 2 out of 10, and also very stressful. After trying it many times, finally many give up and decide to go for removing the gallblader. I have developed a new protocol. It dissolves the gallstone in 30 to 60 days. Gallstones are condensed cholesterol stones. Gallstones are formed from bile, a brown digestive fluid produced by the liver. Cholesterol (a blood protein) combines with the bile to form stones. But they do not look like regular “stones.” Whereas kidney stones are sharp and crystalline, gallstones are smooth, soft, and gelatinous. They feel like dense fat. Often persons with them have no symptoms. But, when they block the exits of the liver or gallbladder, they produce nausea, vomiting, and pain, as described above. By cleansing the liver by easy methods and inducing pure bile, one can dissolve gallstones. Pure bile acids dissolve condensed cholesterol. The strategy I use is simple and easy to follow from anywhere. Few juices and nutritional supplements solve this problem. For me, this new strategy is proven after seeing its success rate of 10/10. To dissolve gallstone using my new protocol contact me via the WhatsApp link end of this article to get a free 15 min consultation with me. In this article, I am sharing What are the causes of gallstones, How to prevent gallstones in the future, How to relieve gallstone pain immediately, and why you should avoid removing the gallbladder.
Why you should avoid removing the gallbladder?
You will get hungry often and tend to eat many times a day. Since the bile will be keeping coming from the liver all the time. This frequent eating habit will lead to being overweight. Another problem is the difficulty in digesting fat. Whenever you eat a fatty meal, the gallbladder squeezes and releases the bile to digest the fat in the food. Once the gallbladder is removed, it causes gastric problems and indigestion whenever you consume food that contains fat. Also increases the risk of intestinal cancer. A study confirms that patients who performed cholecystectomy presented a 108% higher risk of developing Colorectal Cancer (CRC) than the common population. The male and female patients who underwent cholecystectomy were reported to have a 74 and 154% higher risk of CRC, respectively (1).
The Causes and Prevention of Gallstone:
It is an interesting fact that people who do not eat meat, dairy products, or eggs rarely have gallstone attacks. It is animal fat which tends to form gallstones.
Drinking water helps prevent gallstone formation. It has been discovered that those with gallstones drink little water.
Drinking a pint of water causes the gallbladder to empty about 10-20 minutes later. This is the ongoing way to keep the gallbladder cleaned out and in fairly good condition; that is if you do not eat any fats of animal origin.
Lack of exercise increases the likelihood of gallstone formation. Cholesterol is excreted more rapidly by the liver and bladder with more exercise. The truth is that everything works better when you exercise regularly.
Do not overeat. This is very important.
Do not eat processed, fried, sugared, spicy, or junk foods.
Do not use alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco.
Keep your weight down. Overweight women over 40 who have had children have the most gallstones.
Some medications containing estrogen increase the cholesterol saturation of bile.
Eating eggs greatly increases the likelihood of stone formation. A diet low in vitamin C also does.
Eating lots of refined carbohydrates increase stone formation. Not including enough fiber in the diet does also.
How to relieve gallstone pain immediately
The best remedy is, to mix three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in ginger tea and drink. It works. You will experience complete relief in 10 to 15 min.
To relieve pain, lie on your right side, with the hips elevated by placing two pillows beneath them, giving a 15-minute hot fomentation over the gallbladder area, followed by an ice rub. Repeat the process 3 times. This will reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain.
There are simple solutions to stop gallstone pains. After dissolving the stones, if you choose to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will not get it back.
If you got a gallstone attack, you need to drink half a cup of water with 2 to 3 tablespoons of concentrated Apple Cider Vinegar. Also lying down and elevating the hip with a pillow and applying hot formation with a hot water bag helps in reducing the pain and subsidies.
About me
Jothi PremSanker, Nutritionist, Founder of Xulon Zoe Lifestyle Health Retreat Center, Whole food Plant-based diet expert, and Health Coach. If you are suffering from gallbladder-related issues, request a free online consultation by sending Whatsapp message by clicking below:
Bad habits will ruin your life. Everyone knows it. But many are not able to overcome. The good news is bad habits can be changed, for that you must understand how they work. Habits work on a neurological level and it’s automatic. Once you feel triggered, then automatically you do a routine and will get the reward. This is how habits work. Whether it is alcoholism, smoking, pornography (sexual addictions), drug addiction, snacking, or any other bad habits: It’s all works in this way. Your old deep habits can be overridden by new patterns in your nervous system. 40% of actions people do each day are not actual decisions, but habits. In this article, I am going to share some practical ideas for changing bad habits like smoking, alcohol, sexual addiction, and snacking.
How do habits work?
Your brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Your brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit. Anything that you do repeatedly over time, will become a habit. First, there is a tiger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode. This process within your brain is a three-step loop. Then it chooses a routine, which can be physical, mental, or emotional. Finally, there is a reward. During the rewarding process, the brain releases most of the happy hormones like Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins in some amount depending on the routine. Now you would understand why habits are nearly effortless routine.
The Golden Rule of Habit Change
You cannot truly extinguish bad habits. To change a habit, you must keep the old trigger and the old reward. But Insert a new routine. That’s the rule. If you use the same cue and provide the same reward, you can shift the routine and change the habit. almost any bad behavior can be transformed if the cue and reward stay the same.
This Golden rule has influenced treatments of alcoholism, weight loss, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and hundreds of other destructive bad habits. Understanding it can help you to change your own habits. Attempts to give up snacking, for instance, will often fail unless there is a new routine to satisfy old triggers and get a similar reward. A smoker usually cannot quit unless finding some activity to replace cigarettes when a nicotine craving is triggered.
You must make a self-analysis and figure out all the things that trigger a particular habit. For example, alcoholics crave a drink because it offers escape, relaxation, companionship, subdues anxieties, and an opportunity for emotional release. They crave a cocktail to forget their worries.
The Power of God
If habit replacement is so effective, you may seem to fail at some critical moments in your life. Replacement habits become durable only when new behaviors when are accompanied by something else.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is one of the largest, most well-known, and successful habit-changing organizations in the world. Researchers interviewed those who got success in AA. All of them said the same thing: Identifying triggers and choosing new routines is important, but without another ingredient, the new habits never fully took stronghold.
The secret, the alcoholics said, was God.
Researchers hated the explanation. God and spirituality are not testable hypotheses. Churches are filled with drunks who continue to drink despite a deep faith. What those alcoholics believed is some higher power had entered their lives is make it through the stressful periods with their sobriety intact. Trusting in God and promises in the bible reworked habit loop into a permanent behavior. A decision to turn your will and your lives over to the care of God as you understand him. As you start trusting in God, worries disappear.
In a 1994 Harvard study that examined people who had radically changed their lives, for instance, researchers found that some people had remade their habits after a personal tragedy, such as divorce or a life-threatening illness. Others changed after they saw a friend go through something awful.
However, there was no tragedy that preceded people’s transformations. They changed because they were embedded in social groups that made change easier. One woman said her entire life shifted when she signed up for a psychology class and met a wonderful group. When people join groups where change seems possible, the potential for that change to occur is more real. There are simply communities sometimes of just one other person – who make change believable. One woman told researchers her life transformed after a day spent cleaning toilets – and after weeks of discussing with the rest of the cleaning crew whether she should leave her husband.
“Change occurs among other people”, one of the psychologists involved in the study. “It seems real when we can see it in other people’s eyes. AA so effective – the power of a group to teach individuals how to believe – happens whenever people come together to help one another change. Belief is easier when it occurs within a community.
For a habit to change, you must believe change is possible. Most often, that belief only emerges with the help of a group.
If you want to quit smoking, figure out a different routine that will satisfy the cravings filled by cigarettes. Then, find a support group, a collection of other former smokers, or a community that will help you believe you can stay away from nicotine, and use that group when you feel you might stumble. Belief is essential, and it grows out of the communal experience, even if that community is only as large as two people.
Researchers on Dieting say creating new food habits requires predetermined triggers such as planning menus in advance and simple rewards for dieters when they stick to their intentions.
What I have shared in this blog is from the book, ” The Power of Habit, why do we do what we do and how to change”, by Charles Duhingg.
Avoiding triggers within your ability makes overcoming any bad habits easier. It is important to note that the process of habit change is easily described, but it does not necessarily follow that it is easily accomplished. Changing any habit requires determination. No one will quit smoking cigarettes simply because they ketch a habit loop.
Diet and Lifestyle plays important role in good and bad triggers. Refined sugar-based food products like chocolates and sugar drinks, Caffeine based drinks like Tea and Coffee, meat-based food products, spicy food Tiggers many bad habits. Plant-based palatable and good seasoned food makes your brain calm and composed of good things in the mind.
Exercise like simple walking for 20 to 30 min a day, Sleeping early before 10 PM regularly, Brushing teeth daily, Taking a bath every day, etc. plays important role in suppressing triggers that leads to bad habits.
Constipation plays important role in triggering bad habits. It affects sleep, causes irritation easily, makes anyone not able to focus. Fiber-rich plant-based diet is important to keep your colon clean.
To come out of sexual addictions finding out what triggers is important. For men drinking mint tea, non-GMO soy milk, flaxseed helps to reduce libido. For women Oats meal without dairy milk helps to reduce libido.
All dairy products contain hormones. Following a dairy-free lifestyle is important for a healthy lifestyle and overcoming addictions.
Hope you enjoyed this article. Please subscribe to my blog with your e-mail to share more interesting life-transforming information.
If the causes are not fixed, then taking Natural remedies is of no use. Without switching to a Whole plant-based diet, no one can reverse any chronic disease with Natural remedies.
This simple animation will help you to understand why many fail when they try natural remedies. The right solution is, you must seal the hole first, then expel the water inside. Many health seekers are mainly concerned with overcoming a specific health problem, using a specific method or remedy that promises quick results.
I remember, my friend who is an MD doctor from JIPMER, one of the premier medical institutes in India, told me this long back while I was chatting with him on Facebook. What he told me was true. He said, many try natural remedies at home, then they come to doctors. Many try natural remedies on youtube and they fail and surrender to doctors at last.
I am going to answer that. Sometimes the remedy may not the right one. It’s not science-based. Even if it is science-based, it is not working for many. Because there are many different causes for one disease. Take for example diabetes. Causes are a high-fat diet, high refined carbohydrate diet, obesity, lack of physical activity, low insulin production, Low chromium and selenium, and bad bacteria in the lower part of the stomach. If the causes are not fixed, then taking Natural remedies is of no use. People who do not understand the Lifestyle and Diet causes of chronic disease, cannot reverse the disease. All Chronic Diseases are caused by inflammation and toxicity. The causes of inflammation (vaatham) and toxicity are animal protein, vegetable oil, high salt, Low fiber, lack of vitamins and minerals by consuming fewer vegetables and greens, etc. They cause inflammation (vaatham) and toxicity in the whole body. Without switching to a Whole plant-based diet, no one can reverse any chronic disease.
Many Remedies for One Problem
Many are trying home natural remedies for cancer, fibroid, kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Some get results and many do not get the same. There are many remedies for one problem. It works for some, some do not work for others. It’s because one person may have one cause and another person may have another cause. Some remedies work for some causes, some remedies work for some other causes. One important thing in healing is, one must understand the causes of disease.
Some try a Natural remedy and it really works, but they have to take it lifelong, just like modern medicine. After trying for a long, they will get fed up and quit. I prescribe effective natural remedies that are proven evidence-based. Simultaneously I help the sick by removing the causes of the disease, expelling the toxins, and taking a healthy diet that supplies vitamins and minerals to rebuild the body to work effectively. Hence sick need not take a natural remedy for life long. It’s just for a period of time.
A good expert in Natural Healing should know the cause behind the cause. One will cause a problem, and that will lead to another problem. Without removing the cause, one can not solve it. To heal Kidney disease, the cause may be diabetes or hypertension, or both. Without correcting the underlying disease, Kidney disease cannot be reversed. The same applies to many other disease conditions.
Quality of the Remedy
Sometimes the remedies you are trying may not be a potent quality one. Many herbal products lot their potency due to quality issues. Make sure you bought recently packed good quality herb from the health food store.
If you are struggling with a health problem, want to get rid of it naturally, contact me for a free consultation. Subscribe to the blog with your e-mail for more health information.
God: “who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Psalms 103:3)
I started my Healing Journey in my life by believing in the above Bible verse. You may be thinking that Chronic Diseases are caused by genetics. No, They are caused by Lifestyle Choices you made daily in the past, over the years. I believe there is no incurable disease, except born genetic health defects. Chronic Diseases won’t come into someone’s life suddenly. It takes years to develop. Many belives chronic diseases are only manageable with medicines prescribed by doctors. All Chronic Diseases can be reversed and put in remission through Diet and lifestyle. Once you know the lifestyle and diet that causes the disease, then you have to start working on transforming your life towards a healthy lifestyle, then you will achieve Vibrant Health.
What is Lifestyle?
The way you live every day. How much time do you sleep? At what time do you go to bed? How much water do you drink every day? What kind of diet do you eat mostly? What kind of air do you inhale mostly? How much physical activity do you do? Bad habits you may have, Your belief in God, all decide your health.
I started my healing journey right from my college days, helping my friends and myself. I use to put charcoal poultice for my friends and teach them about healthy living. I had a severe psoriasis-like skin problem on my left leg for almost a year. With prayer and a raw vegetable diet for 10 days, it was gone. Right from my school days, I was passionate about healing others. because Jesus Healed many. I am a computer science graduate. I Started Xulon Zoe Health Retreat Center in 2010 Dec with some doctors to help cancer patients given up by doctors. I did Nutrition and Dietetics since my passion was Healing. I learned a lot during this journey of healing sick people. I will continue to share those through this blog.
I have treated many kinds of cancer, Diabetes Type 1 & 2, Very high blood pressure, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, psoriasis, eczema, IBS, Chrons, HIV, fibroid, endometriosis, Ovarian cysts, PCODs, Infertility, Erectile dysfunction, Low sperm count, gallstone, kidney stone, migraine, etc.
Steps to Heal
My Protocol is very simple. I detox the patient’s colon, kidney, liver, and Lymph through simple natural methods that fit their condition and give them a healthy diet that is clinically proven and evidence-based. For example, I cannot give fruit juices to a diabetic patient for liver detox. I use some other alternatives for clearing their bile ducts. All I teach them Healthy Lifestyle which is possible for any busy person to follow. I had a lot of failures and successes in treating patients. Also, keep improving my knowledge and skill daily to serve sick people.
There are is no incurable chronic disease. But there are incurable persons in this world. For some it’s too late, for others, it’s their mindset. Those who are able to predict the danger ahead for their or their loved one’s health problem take the right decision and find the right solution. Please share your comments below. Thank you.