There is no Incurable Chronic Disease

by | Feb 14, 2022 | General

God: “who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Psalms 103:3)

I started my Healing Journey in my life by believing in the above Bible verse. You may be thinking that Chronic Diseases are caused by genetics. No, They are caused by Lifestyle Choices you made daily in the past, over the years. I believe there is no incurable disease, except born genetic health defects. Chronic Diseases won’t come into someone’s life suddenly. It takes years to develop. Many belives chronic diseases are only manageable with medicines prescribed by doctors. All Chronic Diseases can be reversed and put in remission through Diet and lifestyle. Once you know the lifestyle and diet that causes the disease, then you have to start working on transforming your life towards a healthy lifestyle, then you will achieve Vibrant Health.

What is Lifestyle?

The way you live every day. How much time do you sleep? At what time do you go to bed? How much water do you drink every day? What kind of diet do you eat mostly? What kind of air do you inhale mostly? How much physical activity do you do? Bad habits you may have, Your belief in God, all decide your health.

I started my healing journey right from my college days, helping my friends and myself. I use to put charcoal poultice for my friends and teach them about healthy living. I had a severe psoriasis-like skin problem on my left leg for almost a year. With prayer and a raw vegetable diet for 10 days, it was gone. Right from my school days, I was passionate about healing others. because Jesus Healed many. I am a computer science graduate. I Started Xulon Zoe Health Retreat Center in 2010 Dec with some doctors to help cancer patients given up by doctors. I did Nutrition and Dietetics since my passion was Healing. I learned a lot during this journey of healing sick people. I will continue to share those through this blog.

I have treated many kinds of cancer, Diabetes Type 1 & 2, Very high blood pressure, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, psoriasis, eczema, IBS, Chrons, HIV, fibroid, endometriosis, Ovarian cysts, PCODs, Infertility, Erectile dysfunction, Low sperm count, gallstone, kidney stone, migraine, etc.

Steps to Heal

My Protocol is very simple. I detox the patient’s colon, kidney, liver, and Lymph through simple natural methods that fit their condition and give them a healthy diet that is clinically proven and evidence-based. For example, I cannot give fruit juices to a diabetic patient for liver detox. I use some other alternatives for clearing their bile ducts. All I teach them Healthy Lifestyle which is possible for any busy person to follow. I had a lot of failures and successes in treating patients. Also, keep improving my knowledge and skill daily to serve sick people.

There are is no incurable chronic disease. But there are incurable persons in this world. For some it’s too late, for others, it’s their mindset. Those who are able to predict the danger ahead for their or their loved one’s health problem take the right decision and find the right solution. Please share your comments below. Thank you.

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